Kevin Ventura

Brooklyn, NY | 917-769-6287 | Email | Git Hub | Linkedin | Portfolio

Web Developer

I am a web developer that focuses on Javascript and front end frameworks such as React and Django. I have a passion for CSS, and single page applications. To grow my skills I focus on building web apps with the MERN stack (Mongoose, Express, React, Node.js). Previously, I managed an e-commerce store that helped me understand, sourcing products, supply and demands effect on products and how the web combined with the global supply chain, facilitates modern living.


Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Libraries and Frameworks: React, Express.js, Django, Jquery, Bootstrap

Databases and other: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RESTful Routing, JSON API


Binge List | GitHub | HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Express, MongoDb, Node, Google Firebase, SASS, Heroku

Web App that allows you to keep track of your favorite tv shows

Finch Collector | GitHub | Python, Django, HTML, CSS, Amazon s3

Single Page web app with full CRUD that allows you to add your collection of finches and upload images of your collection.

TracCalorie | GitHub | HTML, CSS, Javascript, Local Storage

TracClaorie lets you track your meals, and the amount of calories in each meal, while simultaneously adding the calories of your meals, and gives you a total amount of all calories.


Amazon Fba 2018-2021


General Assembly

Full-stack software engineering 450+ hour program focused on front end development fundamentals, object-oriented programming, MVC frameworks, data modeling, and team collaboration strategies.