I am a web developer that focuses on Javascript and front end frameworks such as React and Django. I have a passion for CSS, and single page applications. To grow my skills I focus on building web apps with the MERN stack (Mongoose, Express, React, Node.js). Previously, I managed an e-commerce store that helped me understand, sourcing products, supply and demands effect on products and how the web combined with the global supply chain, facilitates modern living.
Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Libraries and Frameworks: React, Express.js, Django, Jquery, Bootstrap
Databases and other: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RESTful Routing, JSON API
Web App that allows you to keep track of your favorite tv shows
Single Page web app with full CRUD that allows you to add your collection of finches and upload images of your collection.
TracClaorie lets you track your meals, and the amount of calories in each meal, while simultaneously adding the calories of your meals, and gives you a total amount of all calories.
Full-stack software engineering 450+ hour program focused on front end development fundamentals, object-oriented programming, MVC frameworks, data modeling, and team collaboration strategies.